Collection of graded repertoire for AMEB Piano exams. Carefully selected by top Australian Piano performers and pedagogues, the grade books feature a diversity of musical styles and often include works by celebrated Australian composers. Repertoire is carefully coordinated to align with the technical requirements at each grade level.
Sinfonia 15 (Bach, J.S.) ♫ Sonata (Cimarosa) ♫ Etude (Moszkowski) ♫ Etude (Sibelius) ♫ Allegro (Bach, C.P.E.) ♫ Allegro (Haydn) ♫ Allegro (Mozart) ♫ Allegro moderato (Schubert) ♫ Canción (Falla) ♫ Gade (Grieg) ♫ Scotch poem (MacDowell) ♫ Où l’on entend une vieille boite (Séverac) ♫ Sentimental melody (Copland) ♫ Tempo di valse (Ligeti) ♫ Stars (Sculthorpe) ♫ Merry Andrew (Takács)